The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

Friday, August 31, 2018

Surtch Ingyn Optomisashun

I enjoy SEO type work. I think I'll get a job all up in that realm. What IS SEO? It stands for search engine optimization and that just means that you make a certain website, or specific page on that website, show up before other related websites in a Google search (or Bing or Yahoo, you weirdos) for relevant keywords.

Search for "April Compo" and you'll find stuff I've put online because I like being found for whatever dumb reason. Plus, my name is not common and I love creating content and influencing everyone.

But... how???

I married someone with a unique last name, that helps. I make sure everything has my name attached to it - accounts are nearly all @aprilcompo. I add keywords to my blog posts (you'll see them at the bottom of this post!) I share links on other sites, usually social media since my personal junk is all a social experiment or for fun and not related to a specific industry. If that was the case I would share links to my content on industry related platforms and forums and blogs. Keywords that people search for when looking for exactly what you're offering are precious. You can analyze what keywords are the most bestest through tools like Google Analytics - and I JUST found out about Google's "Data Studio" which looks pretty lovely so far.

Analyzing stuff is fun. Seeing everything add up to a bigger picture is fun. Being seen is fun. Learning is fun.

Even if I don't get an SEO position somewhere, I will be using what I've learned through the years wherever I'm at. It seems though, that my experience and personality could be useful to a whole BUNCH of folks. And that's kinda nice.

 Thanks for all the experience Data102!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scoops Part 4

The bag is empty!!! Let me say: there is a dude next to me at the library looking at pictures of Gremlins and laughing out loud. I asked him if he'd seen the movie and he said it had been a while. I asked him if he was high and he said no. I'm proud of this man. Also, I was NOT high while making these commercials. It's a blessing to have the ability to laugh at such stupid crap and you might not see the humor in it, but you CAN allow me to.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Scoops Part 3

These last couple commercials get a little artsy. Which is right up MY alley! Actually I just finished watching the second season of Baskets and it is also an artsy type of comedy - ala Louis C.K. - a lovely shift in comedy culture and no shift in man culture. Can't have it all I suppose.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Scoops Part 2

Stale Scoops come in handy when you want to bless the lesser creatures of the earth!

There's no denying THAT satisfaction.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Scoops Part 1

Making commercials always sounded incredibly fun to me. Especially for products and services I can get behind.

I made a bunch of short Tostito Scoops commercials last year for no reason while I was in Florida. Here is the first and possibly best, as the idea was fresh in my head and it features a beautiful tree fungus.


Today is my parents 41st wedding anniversary!!! Happy anniversary, you ridiculously gorgeous and amazing people! Your work here was done once I came into the world, yet you still keep going:) Haha. JK. Please keep working on me.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Brothers & Sisters

Lately I've felt the urge to call my friends "brothers" and "sisters". A giant wall comes down mentally for people when you put yourself so close to them in your friendship. When you hug them like family and they don't really know how they deserve it. I take pride in my hugs and the accomplishments of my friends.

Lately I've wanted to say what's on my mind and whether or not I'm judged isn't up to me. Putting in a little extra effort to be kind to people goes a long way. There are people that have given me looks, looks that tell me I'm too forceful. After a few more encounters these same people will now hug me like family. Hell yes, I AM forceful.

Lately I've felt like myself, relearned what I am and do and feel and need. Everyone needs a good cry. Everyone needs to laugh more. Everyone should be a little more comfortable doing either one. Both at the same time is fun.

Last night I spent the night at my cousins place and today we're going to an amusement park! Just another standard, beautiful day. Days like these give me the strength to keep challenging the status quo.

Your sister

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


What a day. Not sure why "what a day", but that it is. And how!

Now I'm at Starbucks on my gifted, amazing laptop, drinking a coffee purchased with a gift card from another beautiful friend. There are so many things to be grateful for today (and every day)! I sit down to TRY to be stressed about this or that. Even after the previous post mentioning my financial situation and how "poor" I am - I know I'm incredibly rich!

I'm supposed to be filling out an application, but I've got TIME for once in my life and it's incredibly precious and valued.

Okay, time to do that application:)


My body is so sore right now. When I get to a gym (not often enough) I really go wild. Yes, it hurts. There's no catching up on what should be regular exercise. I have been losing a bit of weight over the summer, it's nice to hear a friend say I "just keep getting skinnier". I've been keeping lighter by not eating a ton. Getting some weight exercises in makes me strong and way happy.

The beautiful and talented Charlotte Rogers performed at open mic on Monday. Man, her sweet voice tickles my soul. She wants to jam with me! Oh, the possibilities!

Right now I'm at... THE LIBRARY! duh. Was just working on my resume and a cover letter and I'm going to DHS later to ask for sad, poor people money to keep me alive and crap. Haha. Ugh. What a shame that I happen to be so poor. This too shall pass. I enjoy working. Just need to focus on the work that pays I guess.

Dang, I love people.   

Friday, August 17, 2018


What does one deserve? Just by being alive? Human rights are an interesting development, individual rights for everyone. Why not? Is it something the universe would allow for? It would be well and good to have the right to live a life free from harm or unwarranted distress. How can we exercise that right? Why should we? Do we really deserve it? How do we know when the harm or distress is even unwarranted?

These days I live with very little harm and distress. I still have me around and I'm grateful everyday for what I have. There are definitely times I added to the harm and distress I've experienced - times when I believed I wasn't the one able to manifest my own happiness. Or that happiness somehow depended on circumstance or financial stability or the happiness of my loved ones. Now I fight for my right to party. Andrew W.K. is a seemingly strange, but effective form of motivation for me. What a soul! There are so many people with so many views and so many forms of expression and it is SO much healthier than feeding into the darkness. Do we have the right to be healthy? Yes. We just have to fight. HARD.

We will all go through challenging, depressing, traumatic times. I'm asking you to go through them with me - even if we never know or speak to each other. It actually makes no difference if the bad stuff that happened is warranted or not. Maybe we're an ass and we've spent our lives justifying it - does it really matter in the moment that we decide to heal? Nope. Every time we make the choice to heal, we're fighting. Fighting an authority that resides in our brain that has somehow convinced us to identify only with it and its negative nature. Well I say "fuck authority" in this case.

Party on.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Dunking Doughnuts

Hey gang. At the library again. Computer #37. Let me just say: I look great today. Makes me feel great. It's going to be a wonderful week, there have been many wonderful weeks these days - excitement and shared wisdom and enough extraverted communication and deep conversation to keep me stimulated and brimming with bubbly, annoying levels of joy. It's MEEEEEE - APRIIIIIIIL!

Who doesn't love a confident weirdo?! (I know some people don't and I'd really like an explanation.)

Possibilities aplenty. So plentiful it may be hard to focus, especially with this librarian's amazing and stylish ponytail right in front of me, uuugggh cute. Also, there's a dude here with sunglasses on (indoors) that include a frame for his third eye. hahahahaha. haha. ha. WOKE.

The kids being in school is insane to me. What a privilege. They even feed them?! wow. Tonight is the delightful open mic. I've got some phone calls to make and then some driving to do and then some lunch to eat and some life to live and some energy to burn on the stuff I actually CHOOSE to do. Can you tell I'm out from under the heavy weight of depression? It's possible! It's possible and it's HERE! I can achieve success!!! AAAHHH!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  AAAAHHH!!!! (I guess)

Friday, August 10, 2018

All a-bored

Uber driving is nice. I like people. People like it here. Most passengers are visitors or haven't been here very long. How do you think the great land of Colorado feels about these people? Just coming along, gawking and driving around, skiing, hiking, trampling, disturbing, parading, gallivanting? It seems that the people from Colorado, or that have been here a long time, have a very anthropomorphic view of this land. Like it really cares about what's going on within it - more so than other places. I like looking at it that way too, probably because I'm influenced by others and it seems more respectful and I've lived here a while. It would have been nice if several other states legalized weed at the same time. More coastal and populated states. When I first came here at 21 years old, I finally felt like I could afford to move out of my parent's place in Florida and live as an adult. Now... I'm at a library because there's no Internet at home, which is a rented room with my two children and I. Better than the shelter. Better than the car. Somehow better than being in another state still.

My kids are both in school. I'm so tired. There is a lot to do and responsibilities galore. No one is safe. My mom is right: it's a day for Dunkin' Donuts! 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Oh, The Srimp!

Annie. The orphan. What an amazing character. My daughter saw the play live a few months back and then while at the library she saw the movie and we checked it out and I watched it - perhaps for the first time in my life all the way through. Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Zaddy Warbucks, Sandy (as himself), etc. WOW, I loved the poop out of it!

Speaking of loving the poop out of something: Jack Stauber! What glorious lessons there are to be learned through the ever-evolving art of animation. Here's one of my favorites:

Soon I'll have a ton of time available to find a job that doesn't suck and then I will GET that job. That's what I believe.

Last night was another delightful karaoke adventure - Celine Dion, Weird Al, Offspring, Aladdin's Whole New World. Things are moving right along and time is well spent. Speaking of time well spent, I'm off to draw some Adventure Time characters with Naomi and then eat a chicken sandwich for dinner. PEACE.