The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Diff Strokes

Have we been celebrating our differences? How do we do that? Like, how do I expose myself to people different than me? If we're actually interested in doing such a thing it seems that we should be aware of our own smallness first. We want to offer up ourselves as a bit of a precious little gift, we certainly have just as much to offer as anyone else. Are we smarter than other people? Fuck to the NO. That's not how people work. No matter how much we think we know, there are unknown variables that we can never know. Not ever. Are we going to win everyone over with kindness? Fuck to the NO. You will never please the entirety of humankind or even just twelve people at once, probably. Judas in the house, bitches. jk.

It's great feeling comfortable in a wide variety of places and settings and finding beauty in other cultures. It's not like there's a big event for literally everyone, though. Is there? Most groups have an event and say everyone is welcome, but let's face it, most folks ain't going to that. 

In my past, I went around to homes and knocked on people's doors to discuss the bible and that if they wanted to make it a whole thing they could have a world-wide family of mostly decent, well-meaning people they could call brothers and sisters. My strengths were not in converting anyone, but I felt like I was pretty good at befriending the existing members that felt they were kind of weird. Like, reminding them that being weird is not an indication that something is wrong with you, simply being human is an indication that something is wrong with you, so let's make art and laugh. I do miss a congregation setting as I've parted ways with this organization, but I can get the same social high at the bar I frequent on open mic night. The feeling that I'm helping others is a bit low and it has crossed my mind on many occasions that visiting strangers at their homes is still technically allowed. Just to talk about beliefs or feelings or current life events. If they're open to another visit, we can make arrangements. It sure would confuse people, showing up and being like, "Hi, my name is April. I know you weren't expecting me, but, like, how ARE you?" and then invite them to a comedy show or something. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

My Dad

I'm just thinkin' 'bout my dad. He's cool. There's not a soul that dislikes him (at least for any valid reason). He deserves to have and do anything he ever wants. When someone goes and says, "no one is special" I say "hold up" and show 'em my dad and they're like, "SAY WHAT?! ...I was wrong."

I don't even idolize him and all of the above is just so absolutely true. He wouldn't have raised me to do such a thing, ya know.

Old Weighs

 I got a pork loin marinating in the fridge for the night. 

My night is going well. I just told my 12-year-old daughter to get off the computer since it was 9:00pm (which was thoughtfully negotiated). But then I can hear her through the door mocking me saying:

"blah blah blah"

It turned out to be a perfect opportunity to teach. Clearly she was trying to make fun of me to seem cool "in front of" her online friend. So I came in and let her know that she shouldn't be making fun of me for trying to look out for her health - and now she hates my guts. Haha. She sure taught me.