The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Be Leave Me

Hot dang, I moved away from Colorado. What a crazy month and a half it has been! There must've been a straw to finally break the proverbial camel's back and I left my job and most possessions and loaded up the kids and hit the road, Jack. I start a new job in a couple days at a hospital, setting appointments for physicians - a Call Center Specialist I shall be. The women that have interviewed me have been outstanding! I can't wait to start and get trained and move on up. The little town I moved to is just adorable and charming, close to a much larger city so I don't feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere. I even have a little herb garden with dill, basil and rosemary AND a yellow pear tomato plant. I'm down to 131 pounds, which is surprising since it doesn't even feel like I've tried very hard to lose more weight. It's just happening naturally I guess - especially with all the yoga, weights, jump roping, and not eating until feeling like a bloated tick I've been doing. Psyllium husk fiber y'all. Apple cider vinegar too. Magic stuff when all combined together into a routine. I hope working in an office doesn't set me back. A quote I like to remember from this dumb book I've been reading is "don't let others make you fat and stupid", so I don't think I'll be falling for the break room calorie fests any time soon since I'm just feeling too good without that 38 extra pounds hanging on me. Just need a million dollars to spend on a new wardrobe now - I'm lookin' all baggy all the time.