On Saturday evening, during a sprinkling of rain in Fort Collins Colorado while walking in the square, there was an old man on a chair moving his hands carefully up and down in the air above his theremin. He played Somewhere Over the Rainbow and we casually walked by, but then noticed he didn't have eyes - just puckered sockets. A more depressing sight there never was, perhaps disease dissolved his eyeballs, we didn't stop to ask, we just kept walking as he somehow hit the right notes with this unusual instrument used in so many science fiction soundtracks. I assume he loves doing this, perhaps he would give it up if he had his sight again. But no human can offer that to him. Trading this for that is a fun thought at times, what do I have that I can trade for what I really want? First, what do I really want? "I'd sell my soul for..."
People don't even know what a soul is anyway.
The "noir" effect on my phone's photo editor really brings out the underlying blood vessels in my eyes and skin. I remember my dad used to tell me I didn't know what "tired" was. I guess I took that as a challenge. I don't really look like that though... it's just the effect. Don't worry, this is me without a filter:
God, I'm hott!
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