My pancakes: whole wheat, orange, dark chocolate chips.
This is the most gangsta picture of a pancake I do believe I've ever seen. Minus the stupid floral plate. My mom acquired so many sunflower items in the 90's. I guess she thought if all she got was stuff with sunflowers on it, it was bound to go with her decor. I was able to greatly reduce the amount of sunflowers during a move, and all we are left with are some plates. No more sunflower wallpaper or cups or large sunflower/tree thing in a pot or throw blanket or stenciling or clock or various tins/containers/bowls! I do love actual sunflowers. Back to the pancake... It's rapper name is Hole Weet and it has a new album out called Maple Syrup Butts that's expected to go platinum in a couple of hours. bye.
Even Sam is hip to the sunflowers... Yeah.