The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

Sunday, December 25, 2011


The tradition of eating 7-eleven food continues this year with an amazing find:
Had the word "select" not been on the bag, I wouldn't have imagined purchasing this fine product. A superb addition to the Reese's, nachos, Slim Jim, croissant breakfast sandwich, Kit Kat, Starburst and iced coffee.

2011: overall, it has been a terrible year filled with empty calories and confusion.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Secret

My pancakes: whole wheat, orange, dark chocolate chips.
This is the most gangsta picture of a pancake I do believe I've ever seen. Minus the stupid floral plate. My mom acquired so many sunflower items in the 90's. I guess she thought if all she got was stuff with sunflowers on it, it was bound to go with her decor. I was able to greatly reduce the amount of sunflowers during a move,  and all we are left with are some plates. No more sunflower wallpaper or cups or large sunflower/tree thing in a pot or throw blanket or stenciling or clock or various tins/containers/bowls! I do love actual sunflowers. Back to the pancake... It's rapper name is Hole Weet and it has a new album out called Maple Syrup Butts that's expected to go platinum in a couple of hours. bye.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Who makes homemade biscotti? April Compo does.

 I know, I know...
WHY don't I live closer to you?
Man, I really like coffee and a biscotti. It's been cold in the house today. So perfect for a hot beverage.
Anyways... I just made a bracelet for Nay. She is such a girl. I like Ren & Stimpy. I wish cigarettes weren't bad for people. I'm ready for a nap, or maybe I should just have some coffee. mmmmmm

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pork It

Hi. I like digging. I'm making bread right now. I put milled flax in it. It's kind of a boring day. I guess that's normal. I started making another paper mache thing. Here it is:
A pig face to hang on the wall. It's drying. It takes a lot of layers to make this stuff. It helps to make lots of things at once. I'm also in the process of making a pair of little geese:

Naomi likes Kix. It's dreary 'round these parts. Jason makes good breakfast sandwiches. I want to drink some tea. I'm going to experiment with tea and spices. Buh-bye.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I just did this to a chair:
sprayed it yellow, then applied a clear polycrylic mixed with a drop of black paint to dull the bright yellow (which also made it crackled) and reupholstered it with a black and white fabric seen here:
It's just the right amount of hideous! I have a head cold right now and I just want all of you out there to know: I'm available for weddings and grape stomping.  

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've been doing stuff to our room to make it more... I don't know... personalized? cozy? organized? all of it. We don't have a closet so we bought a few things from Home Depot to fashion our own solution, because the cheesy, little clothes rack we used to have broke quite some time ago and it wasn't big enough anyway.
 (the above image is reversed because it's actually a mirror)
...see. and now for some more pictures of the room --->
 Norman Rockwell + naked Africans

I find the monkey statue really gives the room that "there's something just not right in here" feeling that can only be topped by throwing in some pale pink curtains. You love it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I've been feeling full of testosterone lately. My blemishes are flourishing and my armpit hair is growing rapidly. It kind of just sounds like a hygiene issue when I spell it out like that. I've also been wanting to camp in a van that has been sitting on my parent's property for the last 4 years collecting spiderwebs (which leads me to believe there could be spiders). So over the last few days I've been cleaning it out, I took out a couple chairs, scrubbed it down. I haven't seen a living (or dead) thing in it. That's pretty encouraging. No more old webs, and the smell is even unnoticeable. I want to make it a sweet little camper. It doesn't run, unfortunately, but we already live in the woods. Naomi is popping bubble wrap. I am jealous.
You'll notice the "festive" lights, they were in the attic of the house when my family moved in along with a lovely portrait of the ugly family that once lived here. So I put 'em in the van (the lights, not the portrait) and now it looks like a party. MAN, it gets DARK out here. The stars are beautiful. Hey little kids, wanna sleep over in my sparkley van?