Let's think for a moment about a traumatic event in your life. They're the easiest events to recall. Probably you have thought about it over and over before reading this blog. Now really let the moment sink in, give yourself a few more seconds before reading on...
...Now rethink the traumatic event but this time as if it occurred in outer space, everything and everyone around is floating. Makes it seem a lot more fun doesn't it?
This is what happens to my brain when I am dealing with stress. There comes a point when I can't keep myself from thinking about what would happen if [insert hilarious circumstance]? Well, I came home to find my husband unconscious and covered in vomit*... there's pickles in the vomit**. Haha, pickles. But now they're floating around! I don't mean to portray myself as unsound, just open. I enjoy life more when it has been injected with undue humor. We can go on forever wishing things didn't happen, or we can grieve for a good while and then move on without the limb that was blown off by a mine and is now floating around*** an unknown location that you're hoping is in front of the face of the person that thought it was a good idea to invent mines (even though they were around somewhere between the third and 13th century in China), that butthole.
*For example
**Totally true!
***Yes, we're still doin' the no gravity thing, but I don't know if mines would work very well without gravity.
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