The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

The Infinite Ramblings of April Compo

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thr33 Y33rs

Today, January 18th, 2014, marks the third year of this blog being blogged.

What have I learned? Where have I gone? Why do I keep spewing out nonsense in this format? Who will say-E-Ayve your soul? When do you eat dinner? 5 o'clock? 6? 7? 8 is pretty late, you must be latin or something.

I haven't had coffee in over a week. There are some of you out there that find this appalling and unnecessary. Brutish. Lame. Preposterous. Dumb. Infantile. Doodoobutt. But I've switched to E-Coffee.

**UPDATE: Drew stole my idea!**  (...and I ain't even mad)

I had a dream that I was lying in bed and my husband was whispering in his sleep, saying, "You're not just investigators, you're THIEVES!" -so I held his wrist to tell him he was talking in his sleep and he told me something like, "Why are you always turning in bed? You know I can't sleep. I will END you." and then I felt all scared and then I woke up and kept wondering if it was real so I said out loud,
- "are you awake?"
- "hm? yeah."
- "were you talking in your sleep?"
- "maybe."
- "were you dreaming about investigators?"
- "the last thing I remember is that I was discussing a business opportunity."
- "well I just had a dream you were talking in your sleep and when I tried to tell you, you told me I woke you up and you wanted to END me."
(and because he knows how scary and real my dreams can be, he says...)
- "Gah! I'm gunna kill you!"

Then we laughed.


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