What have I learned? Where have I gone? Why do I keep spewing out nonsense in this format? Who will say-E-Ayve your soul? When do you eat dinner? 5 o'clock? 6? 7? 8 is pretty late, you must be latin or something.
I haven't had coffee in over a week. There are some of you out there that find this appalling and unnecessary. Brutish. Lame. Preposterous. Dumb. Infantile. Doodoobutt. But I've switched to E-Coffee.
**UPDATE: Drew stole my idea!** (...and I ain't even mad)
I had a dream that I was lying in bed and my husband was whispering in his sleep, saying, "You're not just investigators, you're THIEVES!" -so I held his wrist to tell him he was talking in his sleep and he told me something like, "Why are you always turning in bed? You know I can't sleep. I will END you." and then I felt all scared and then I woke up and kept wondering if it was real so I said out loud,
- "are you awake?"
- "hm? yeah."
- "were you talking in your sleep?"
- "maybe."
- "were you dreaming about investigators?"
- "the last thing I remember is that I was discussing a business opportunity."
- "well I just had a dream you were talking in your sleep and when I tried to tell you, you told me I woke you up and you wanted to END me."
(and because he knows how scary and real my dreams can be, he says...)
- "Gah! I'm gunna kill you!"
Then we laughed.