So. July was a sad attempt at blogging. I apologize gang. This post is going to be various forms of "sorry" and "my bad" and "yeah, I know, just the one weird post with hardly any words" and "I hate myself". Things might start to get a little heated when I type something like, "you know, you could have been more supportive" and "I lived a large portion of the month in a freaky hotel with the shirtless KKK dude and all other forms of crack heads" and "you know what? I don't have to ask for forgiveness from you, I have no obligations at all to provide you with awesome reading material at no cost to you!".
Life has changed. Undoubtedly for the better. Which probably means I'll be neglecting this blog because *we hate it when our friends become successful* . Talking about all the good stuff is for facebook because that's how we let our relatives know we're not in a dumpster somewhere. I use this blog during hard times to be humorous. I needed something to do to occupy my withering brain. This isn't a definite plan to neglect anything. So stop being such a baby.
I'm now in Colorado. I not only love it here, here loves me right back. I will probably soon forget this statement and get right back to blogging. You know, what I'm really trying to say is: I have no idea what I'm saying.
In conclusion, be careful about choosing a hotel and don't let your brain wither. It was really withering in July. Wither and thither.
I found a funny picture in my in-laws computer. It's from the best wedding in history. The marriage of Jason and April and Tree. Tree left Jason and I for some skanky shrub in mid 2009. There were plenty of signs it was unhappy, starting when we walked away from it to go eat. I saw a little tear of sap rolling down it's bark. It was ill-conceived, I know.
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