Been cohosting shows with Vincent-boyfriend over the last few months. About once a month. It was at his studio space which became hostile, so this Friday our next show/taping is at my favorite venue, Frisky's!
Our theme is Break Up Day, which is observed a week after Valentine's Day and is (in my opinion) more interesting. No one has asked me to be their Valentine yet. They have asked for a massage though. Haha. What a comfort I must be.
My cousin Matthew is moving back out here next week! With his beautiful girlfriend and her two boys, I'm so happy! Her and I have a lot in common, sense of adventure, grit, a will to stay strong and make life fun and have goals. She immediately was on board with the land plan and has... AMBITION?! So exciting! She has a competitive side too and even won a pickle-eating contest!!! How can you not love her?! She's allowed to be my sister.