Did another open mic a couple nights ago. Singin' and sort of dancing. I should be getting some video footage from a friend eventually, I'll have to post that somewhere. I couldn't really hear myself, but I didn't get booed, so maybe I wasn't awful. But no one gets booed in such a friendly environment. One performer was clearly trying to get booed, but the audience withheld. We must have known that's what he wanted, so we didn't give it to him. In which case, it was NOT a friendly environment, rather, it was an apathetic and passive aggressive environment. I wore a shirt with Michael Jackson on it. From his Thriller days. Someone shouted, "Can we get some purple rain?!" and I said "No." It's kinda funny since my husband posted on Facebook mentioning his excitement about Netflix streaming Reading Rainbow, and a friend called LeVar Burton Lionel Richie.
I was interviewed by some officers a few weeks ago about an "incident" that took place right in front of our building. There was a black dude trying to start his own car, but didn't have keys (d'oh!). He was attempting to hot wire it, or start it with a butter knife or something. So a security guy called to report some suspicious activity and the police came and drew their guns on him, but eventually figured stuff out and let him continue on with his life. I saw something going on, so I took out my phone and recorded the scene, but by the time I happened upon them, they were just calmly talking and starting to leave. So I deleted the recording. And then my phone was stolen. So there's no way to get the footage, but it was uneventful anyways. I just saw 4-5 police surrounding the guy and felt compelled to record what was happening since I'm on the second floor and had a good view. It turns out the police never filed a report about that particular call. Which is weird. But not that weird. Who wants to do the boring work of writing a report? I asked Sergeant Joel Kern, the officer interviewing me, about the lack of a report and he said that there could be many reasons an officer wouldn't write a report. I wonder what reason there was in this case. Anyways, the black guy complained to someone and so an investigation is currently taking place. Hence the interview with me -a somewhat witness.
I'm going to register a car today. Love that DMV. If there's anything I love more than the deep rooted racism that surrounds us, it's the DMV.